I bring decades of experience and understanding to author or co-author science-based lay-reader reports on a variety of subjects, from international conservation finance to electric vehicles to species at risk and more.

What's the price of tropical nature? – In this example, I mined international data to find out how Canada stacks up against its peers when it comes to supporting tropical conservation. Working with the International Conservation Fund of Canada, I wrote a detailed report of the findings and accompanied its publication with a media campaign and outreach to federal government policy makers.
Assisting original Arctic research – In this example, scientific reviews, planning, and writing work helped in several stages of important research collaborations between Inuit and non-Inuit researchers. One recent project examined using a consensus process central to Inuit cultural knowledge--called aajiiqatigiingniq--as a qualitative research tool for bridging Inuit and Western health science.
Reciprocal Inuit-Western research training (video and research project) – In this example, a successful grant proposal with a team from University of Alberta and Arviat, Nunavut led to the writing and development behind a research training workshop series for two Arctic communities. Research and writing work helped create the proposal, a final published manuscript and a script for a short video documenting the workshops.
Conservation science synthesis – In this example, writing work with a team at World Wildlife Fund Canada created the 2017 Living Planet Report Canada: A national look at wildlife loss, describing the status of Canadian biodiversity. A magazine-style executive summary was nationally distributed in The Globe and Mail newspaper.
A research case for electric vehicles – In this example, research and writing work for Plug'n Drive helped create a lay-reader report from survey data of driver attitudes toward electric vehicles in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. Plug'n Drive is a non-profit organization working to accelerate the adoption of electric cars.
Executive summary of a large-scale, policy-important scientific report – In this example, a lay-reader summary synthesized the findings of a 500-page expert panel report describing the latest science about oil pipeline spills in Canada's lakes, rivers and seas. The summary provided a vital tool for policy makers, the media and the public.
An internationally influential handbook for Arctic conservation – In this example, work with Martin Sommerkorn, head of conservation with the World Wildlife Fund Global Arctic Programme, described a novel method for identifying conservation targets throughout the Arctic. The handbook (Christie & Sommerkorn, 2012) has been cited by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report, the Arctic Biodiversity Assessment 2013, and the Arctic Council among others.
Issue papers and briefs introducing new climate science – In this example, research and writing work for the Canadian Climate Forum produced several short, accessible "issue papers" or briefs, introducing lay audiences to the latest and most relevant climate change science.
A book-length history of ground-breaking climate science – In this example, writing and research work was needed to tell the decade-long story of The Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences. The foundation funded university research across the country and changed the way Canadians respond to climate change and weather-affected events. The lavishly illustrated, coffee-table-size book, The Sky's the Limit, chronicles a remarkable ten years of ground-breaking scientific achievement.
Ghost-written op-ed articles and book chapters for leading researchers – In this example, we helped make the case for better funding for climate change research through a sustained publicity campaign.We ghost-wrote an appeal by Gordon McBean that appeared in the opinion pages of daily newspapers across the country, including The Vancouver Sun, The London Free Press and The Ottawa Citizen.
Annual reports – We research and write annual reports for climate change and environmental organizations. Our work produced the text for several annual reports highlighting the accomplishments of The Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences as well as work for other climate groups.
A lay-reader primer exploring an exciting new scientific field – In this example, research and writing work with Pollution Probe and the BIOCAP Canada Foundation created a Primer on Bioproducts. The book about biology-based industrial products provides an easy, non-science introduction to technologies and processes that use plants, micro-organisms and their products as an alternative (or as a complement) to petrochemicals used in cars, factories and consumer goods.