Peter brings decades of experience and a deep understanding of the environment, global change and conservation to research and write accessible, hard-hitting reports that make the case for putting nature first.
The Contribution of Integrated Land Use Planning and Integrated Landscape Management to Implementing Land Degradation Neutrality: Entry Points and Support Tools
Editor. For the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
CAR WARS: SUVs versus EVs and the Battle for a Cleaner Future How car company EV promises are hiding today's SUV cash-grab
Research & Author. For Environmental Defence
Alberta Western Grebe Recovery Plan
Research & Rewriting. For Alberta Parks and Environment
Tropical Nature Needs Us: An expanded role for Canada in stemming global biodiversity loss
Research & Co-Author. For the International Conservation Fund of Canada
Aajiiqatigiingniq: An Inuit Consensus Methodology in Qualitative Health Research
Research & Co-Author. For University of Alberta
Reciprocal Inuit and Western research training: facilitating research capacity and community agency in Arctic research partnerships
Research & Co-Author. For University of Alberta
Living Planet Report Canada 2017: A national look at wildlife loss
Research & Writing. For WWF Canada
Driving EV Uptake in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area: How Driver Perceptions Shape Electric Vehicle Ownership in the GTHAs
Research & Co-Author. For Plug'n Drive
The Behaviour and Environmental Impacts of Crude Oil Released into Aqueous Environments
Expert Panel Report
Synthesis & Writing, Executive Summary. For the Royal Society of Canada
RACER (Rapid Assessment of Circum-arctic Ecosystem Resilience): A Tool For Identifying and Mapping Land and Sea Features that Support Ecosystem Functioning in a Climate-Changed Arctic
Research & Co-Author. For WWF Global Arctic Programme
The Sky's the Limit: Ten Years of Achievements
Research & Author. For The Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
Primer on Bioproducts
Research & Co-Author. For Pollution Probe and BIOCAP Canada